Answering yes to this question is possible if,
any peace proposal integrates geographical and historical data from the region.
The crises in the Middle East (ME) find their
roots in the Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916) that created new countries and new
borders with in the approval of this situation by the League of Nations at the
Conference of San Remo (1920).
The economic interests, of the victorious
countries of the First World War, prevailed, on any other consideration, to
create states on the bases of chimeras. Seeking certainly to find an impossible
balance: between Bedouin tribes imbued with ancestral traditions, between
religions inclined to schisms and between the interests of regional and
international superpowers coveting oil.
Since then, tribes, religions and oil, became
leverages in the hands of political and economic actors, performing in the ME,
to defend their interests at the expense of any human values.
In my opinion, the triptych, human rights,
democracy and good governance, is probably the only alternative to stabilize
the region.
How: by removing tribal ad racial aspects from
any proposal, by forming secular entities guaranteeing freedom of worship for
all and by establishing good governance in resource exploitation.
This concept materialized in the field by the
creation or reinstatement of three states in ME, namely:
1. The Republic of Greater Lebanon (Phoenician),
comprising present-day Lebanon and Syria states;
2. The Kingdom of Iraq (Mesopotamia) on the
current territory of Iraq;
3. The Kingdom of Jordan (Palestine) formed by the
current Jordan kingdom, the Palestinian territories and Israel state.
Lebanese and Syrians have significant
experience on republican’ system and they can easily find necessary resources
to form a secular, democratic and multi-faith state. In the other hand, the
other states, in their recent history, have experienced relative peace only
when had been led by kings unifying races, tribes and religions.
kingdoms will be hereditary monarchies and governments will be from the polls,
through free electoral contests, credible and democratic, between political
parties, structured and impregnated with universal values.
To avoid dilution of responsibilities and have
more easily a clear majority, the number of political parties will be limited
to three for each country: A Liberal party, a social democratic party and a
conservative party.
Therefore, this organization will inevitably
lead to political stability, the creation of institutions that guarantee the
rights of all the national components and fair distribution of wealth. Hence,
the security and peace will more likely reign in the ME because; the rights of
the Christian, the Jew, the Muslim, the Kurd, the Arab, the agnostic, the Copt,
the Shiite, the Sunnite... will be protected.
This solution is not a panacea but a basis for
a brainstorming leading to peace agreement, if the major national and
international players are willing to explore innovative solutions.